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Is Abortion Legal ?

should abortion be legal

The debate over whether or not abortion is legal has raged for decades. According to some surveys, 60% of Americans support allowing women to abort their unborn children. However, there remains much controversy surrounding the topic of abortion. Some pro-life activists argue that abortions are immoral because they kill innocent human beings who deserve a chance at life after birth. Others say that it’s wrong to deny women the option to choose.

However, there are two sides to every story. There’s no denying that abortion has caused heated discussion, especially when considering its legality. While salmonoppose abortion, many of them also recognize the importance of personal choice.

What is an Abortion?                                                                                                Should abortion be legal

An abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus from the uterus through surgery. In most cases, this will involve cutting into the mother’s abdomen and removing her baby. The procedure can either be performed in the first trimester (up until 12 weeks of gestation), second trimester (13 to 22 weeks of gestation), or third trimester (23 to 28 weeks of gestation). The earliest pregnancies are referred to as “in vitro fertilization embryos,” because these are created artificially inside the female body.

Why Would Someone Want One ?

Abortion may seem like a simple decision, but it often creates emotional reactions among people on all sides of the issue. For instance, some mothers feel guilty about having abortions while others regret not being able to have more children. Many men and women think that abortion is perfectly acceptable; however, they still don’t understand why someone would want one.

Abortion may seem like the easiest way out, but if you look deeper into the situation, you’ll realize that it’s a very difficult choice to make. Many people have been affected emotionally by their own experiences with abortion. It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you fall on: If you have any experience whatsoever with abortion, chances are that you know what the other side feels like.

Is abortion legal ?

Those who believe abortion should be allowed claim that it’s the woman’s body and she can do whatever she wants with it. They believe that a woman has the right to determine whether or not she wants to continue with her pregnancy. On the other hand, anti-abortion activists argue that abortion is murder. They believe that killing the child before he or she is born is morally unacceptable, even though it’s legal under certain circumstances. To them, abortion is equivalent to taking a life, regardless of how early it happens is illegal in some countries. Why?

Some people wonder why abortion was made illegal in so many countries around the world. As far back as 1929, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states had the authority to ban abortions. Since then, different laws were put in place throughout the country. Today, abortion is only legal in the United States up until 24 weeks of gestation. After that time, doctors must perform sonograms to see if the fetus is alive.

What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?

Before you schedule your next appointment, you might want to know exactly what kind of changes you’ll experience. First of all, you’ll likely need to take antibiotics to prevent infection. You’re also required to sign paperwork stating that you’ve read over the materials provided by the clinic. This paperwork includes instructions for a follow-up visit. Afterwards, there’ll probably be bleeding, cramps, and spotting. During the first few days, you may have diarrhoea, too. It’s important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during this period. Also, try to avoid using tampons or pads at least two months after the procedure.

Why Should Your  Doctor That You Have Had an Abortion?

You should tell your doctor about any previous abortions because medical professionals are legally obligated to report such information when you seek treatment. However, it’s important to remember that no health insurance company pays for

The Bottom Line .

If you’re thinking about getting an abortion, it’s important to look into all aspects of the process beforehand. For instance, what happens to your body afterward will affect whether you feel comfortable going through with the procedure. Also, make sure you find out what risks are involved in having an abortion. If you’ve already had one, talk to a health care professional about whether it’s necessary to have another.




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6 Early Pregnancy Signs Common in Most Women


A lot of body changes happen when you get pregnant.  For some, it has to be throwing up, fatigue and constant nausea. On the other hand, others have to deal with weight gain and cravings.  There are so many signs that you can see when you get pregnant. Other than the obvious growing belly,  here are some of the early signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Signs

1) Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

This is one of those annoying things we all know about but never really want to talk about or admit about pregnancy. The morning sickness usually starts in your first trimester, right after conception. It begins as a queasy feeling in the stomach, followed by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dizziness, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, excessive hunger, weakness and tiredness. Some women experience milder symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, bloating and gas. If these aren’t enough for you, there are ways to make yourself feel better. Most doctors recommend taking over-the-counter medications like Pepto Bismol®, Tums® and Zantac® during this time period.

2) Back Pain

Pregnant women often complain of back pain throughout their entire pregnancy. You may not even notice if you don’t pay attention to it. Usually, this discomfort goes away once you deliver your baby. However, sometimes the pain becomes more intense and lasts longer. In most cases, you will need epidural anaesthesia to relieve any pain you might be experiencing from labour. A good doctor will tell you just how much medication is needed before giving you the shot. Sometimes they give you small doses at a time until you reach the desired level of numbness. Once you receive the injection, you won’t feel anything!

3) Weight Gain

When you start getting pregnant, both mother and father go through rapid growth periods which results in increased size of everything, including your waistline. Since men’s bodies grow faster, expect them to put on pounds earlier compared to women. During this time, you should avoid gaining too much weight because it could cause problems later down the road. But remember, every woman gains weight differently depending on her lifestyle choices; therefore, do what makes you happy. If you are able to control your eating habits, then stick to a healthy diet plan while still enjoying food. Otherwise, allow yourself a little indulgence along the way without worrying about whether you gained extra fat grams.

4) Changes in Breasts

Your breasts will undergo dramatic changes during pregnancy. They become larger, rounder and fuller due to hormone levels going haywire inside your body. Expect your nipples to harden, stretch and turn darker. Also, your boobs tend to leak milk constantly especially towards the end of your pregnancy. Even though it doesn’t taste great, breastfeeding is always recommended for new mothers. Breastfeeding provides essential nutrients to your newborn child, making him/her stronger and healthier.

5) Pregnancy Vaginal Discharge

Another thing you should watch out for is vaginal discharge. Normally your vagina gets drier and dry during pregnancy. Many times, you don’t even realize that something is wrong unless it suddenly turns into a watery discharge. Don’t panic, it happens to everyone. Just treat it well by washing regularly with warm water mixed with soap. Be sure to use feminine hygiene products daily. If nothing helps, consult with your gynaecologist. He/she can help determine the source of infection.

6) Hair Growth Spurt:

While getting pregnant, your hair grows rapidly. By the second month, you will begin seeing thick strands sprouting everywhere. At around four months, your hair will transform into its natural colour – brownish-black. After delivery, your hair regresses and returns to its original length. If you would prefer having long hair, wait until after birth before cutting off your locks.